delo: product completed.

Flexible packaging since 1961


delo: product completed.

Flexible packaging since 1961


Dettmer Verpackungen GmbH

Since 1961 delo has grown together with its customers, partners and employees. From truly modest beginnings to a leading provider of packaging films and film packagings - with the largest flexographic printing plant in Europe.

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delo: For perfect products

delo manufactures individual packaging films and film packaging that are

  • are economical, functional and visually appealing,
  • reliably protect, preserve and sell.

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A responsibility for packaging that goes beyond delivery.

Commercial operations and ecological responsibility go hand in hand at delo. At the very start of our procurement activities we are selective in our resources using only raw materials that are environmentally sound and safe. 

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Become a part of delo and be a part of an unbeatable team that puts the customer's product at the center of everything you do with the help of state-of-the-art technology.
