We not only see ourselves and our packaging as part of the product but also as a part of the environment. Thats why commercial operations and ecological responsibility go hand in hand at delo. At the very start of our procurement activities we are selective in our resources using only raw materials that are environmentally sound and safe.
Through the advantage of the most modern technology we are energy efficient and make use of our resources effectively. The flow of valuable materials is carefully monitored by our waste management team. Our two regenerative exhaust air treatment plants mean that we are well below the emission values set by the legislator. Unused paint is digitally recorded, transferred to stock and re-dispatched to production when required, practically avoiding paint wastage. Sounds top quality to you? We are certified under DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 50001, BRC, Flustix and ISCC PLUS. We hereby set a statement for the increased use of renewable raw materials and a step towards the circular economy – with our customary high quality standards.
delo: product completed.